Easy and Free UniFi Controller email alerts

UnifiAlerts.com was created to aid the wireless community in receiving UniFi email alerts from Wireless Controllers. Using your personal email can expose a security threat. Using a single purpose mailbox at gmail or similar provider can be unreliable as features and security changes over time. UnifiAlerts.com was purpose built by UniFi hosting administrator to create a one-time free solution to reeving email alerts without administering your own mailbox(s). Check out more and register for a free account with credentials to send from your own system.

Want a free account? Use our contact form to submit a request. 

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Cabling problems suck, here’s a new tool to help

CablingBid.com was created to simplify cabling estimates and labor. The most common requests are for inside Ethernet wiring for small businesses. The second most common is inside wiring for residencies. The application collects your information and routes you to the best partner in your area for a formal quote and action. Technicians have testing equipment and parts on hand to repair or replace any cable type. Unless otherwise specified, all cabling is white, using white face plates and white jacks. Check out www.cablingbid.com

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